2DOV10.ZIP [0] 2do personal task manager v1.00 - 2do is a personal task manager for windows, allowing you to organize, schedule, and view your to do list of tasks through a robust drag and drop interface. 2do's strength is its flexibility, allowing you to specify tasks with a variety of recurring dates, priorities and classes. 2do also allows customization of the look of application, enabling you to work the way you want.
4ALNCH10.ZIP [0] 4a launch v1.00: ultimate app launcher for ms-windows that allows you to browse all your floppy/hard drives for applications to run & you can choose whether that pgm is launched maximized, normal, or minimized); vbrun200.dll is req'd; 4a software.
5IN1.ZIP [0] Small windows 3.0 utility, quick exit, small shell, memory viewer, etc... ver 1.5.
ADCK300S.ZIP [0] This is an advanced, lightweight, easy to use alternative to the program manager! much time thought, and effort went into the production this fine front-end for windows.
ALMFONTS.ZIP [0] If you've tried almanac for windows 3.0 or 3.0a and the tool button graphics don't look right, load these fonts into your almanac directory and load it up..voila!! direct from impact software's author.
AMISH.ZIP [0] Windows task switcher - great !!!!.
AP14DOCS.ZIP [0] Documentation for aporia v1.4 repleacement for windows 3.0 progman and fileman.
APDCK400.ZIP [0] Application dock for windows 4.0 latest release of the original icon-bar program launcher for windows. enhanced speed and functionality. requires windows 3.1 (shareware).
APOR14C.ZIP [0] Aporia v1.4c: object-oriented interface for windows v2/3; lets you run many programs from one icon, have multiple directory trees, run programs on start-up, size & position windows make your own icons, specify which directory a program is to run in, and more; w/complete docs; davis/jeffrey greenberg.
APORICON.ZIP [0] Color icons for aporia 1.3.
APP31415.ZIP [0] Appbar v3.1415b: ms-windows program launcher; nevernever software. lets you start and close programs selected from an iconbar.
APPBAR33.ZIP [0] Version 3.3 of this great application bar for windows. freeware.
APPDIR11.ZIP [0] Applications director v1.1 - a windows application launch utility with a powerful desktop menu system. the menu is easily configured, supports one level of sub-menu items, and includes a powerful run application dialog with history. it can be run as a shell in place of program manager. qpc solutions, inc.
APPSHL.ZIP [0] App shell 1.0 - template for file-oriented applications.
AP_AIF.ZIP [0] Collection of aporia 1.3 icons (aif).
ARCHD11.ZIP [0] Archon v1.10: desktop information storage/ retrieval system for ms-windows; manage all files by storing in a database on harddisks, floppies, networks; fast retrieval; text, spreadsheet and archive files have fulltext index; 68 built-in & unlimited user-defined file formats; drag & drop; 4dos/ndos descriptions support; ergosoft ag documentation [1/2].
ARCHP11.ZIP [0] Archon v1.10: desktop information storage/ retrieval system for ms-windows; manage all files by storing in a database on harddisks, floppies, networks; fast retrieval; text, spreadsheet and archive files have fulltext index; 68 built-in & unlimited user-defined file formats; drag & drop; 4dos/ndos descriptions support; ergosoft ag program files [2/2].
AXESS210.ZIP [0] Windows 3.1: enhances 'file open' boxes that use commdlg.dll file.
A_PLUS40.ZIP [0] A+ v4.0: ms-windows task manager for students that allows you to enter tasks that need to be completed for your classes; online help; ben saladino.
BDLX32.ZIP [0] Buttonstar deluxe v3.2. full featured program launcher for windows 3.1. requires vbrun200.dll.
BIGD233.ZIP [0] Bigdesk v2.33: simple, elegant virtual desktop for windows 3.x, with dragging of window groups and lost window recapture; ian heath/sp services.
BLAUNCH.ZIP [0] Blaunch.exe v1.1 windows shell program launch all your windows executables with a click of a button. augment the speed of the file manager and save on system resources. instant access to a "run" command line on the author.
BROWSER.ZIP [0] A unique windows file manager v1.0, nice vb program. requires vbrun100.dll.
BWE150.ZIP [0] Beyond windows exit v1 50: ms-windows utility that provides a quick/easy way to exit, restart, or exit/run/restart windows; drag'n drop; reboot system & more; req vbrun200 dll; martinsen's software.
BYE103P.ZIP [0] Bye v1.03p: ms-windows utility allows you to quit windows without having to go through the program manager, by simply double-clicking; rick sands.
BYEBYE20.ZIP [0] Byebye v2.0: ms-windows utility that allows you to select days and times to exit windows; requires vbrun200 dll; charles h baggaley, jr./cbii enterprises.
CAPTASK.ZIP [0] Norton desktop for windows 2.0 batch program that will display date/time/system-resourse/ free-memory on the bar of the active window/ icon, allow you to choose from the current tasks to toggle hidden status, terminate/restart windows session, reboot computer, and more; bo peng.
CB170.ZIP [0] The latest incarnation of clysmic software's clysbar for windows 3.1. in my opinion, the best of the toolbars for windows. the toolbars can be any length and/or nested, with many other features.
CFGSAVE.ZIP [0] Windows 3 save program manager config.
CHASTY.ZIP [0] Protects windows groups from unauthorized access.
CHST103C.ZIP [0] Chastity v1.03c: ms-windows 3.1 control pgm that uses drag/drop, has an integrated todo list for each user, users may login with or without passwords; has dos without dos; req vbrun100.dll; poteat/ pocket change software.
CLICK142.ZIP [0] Click! filer v1.42: ms-windows side-by-side file manager and zip/arc shell; pretty intuitive; mouse required; the troglobyte.
CLYSBR16.ZIP [0] Clysbar 1.60 for windows. superior nextlike buttonbar for windows. can be placed on any side of the screen, resized, etc. 8/4/92.
CMDLIN.ZIP [0] Run programs from a command line win 3.0.
CO39.ZIP [0] Chez otto (formerly ottomenu) v3.0: windows toolbook application (includes source) that lets you create a menu system supporting 8 pages of up to 10 menu items for a total of 80 items; an iconic interface is provided via page & pgm icons that you can configure; pgm entries can launch windows/dos applications from any dir supported by windows; includes a quick shell to dos button, total free memory display, and an exit button; doug overmyer.
COMPAT.ZIP [0] Norton desktop for windows v2.0 update. note:you must have norton desktop for windows 2.0 installed for this update to take effect. from symantec bbs.
COOLCOLR.ZIP [0] A windows 3.1 control panel app that allows you to change windows colors by drag-n-drop.
COPYIT13.ZIP [0] Copyit v1.3: ms-windows file management program that will let you copy, delete, rename, move, and many other items; mouse required; p. mason.
CPSPIFS.ZIP [0] Pc tools v7 6-26-91 ms-win 3.0 pif files.
CP_80J.ZIP [0] Command post - 8.0h (asp) powerful text based shell for windows. programmable menus, built-in batch language, super file manager, file viewer and more. $49.95.
CRAPSV12.ZIP [0] Version 1.2 of wincraps, bundled without vbrun and program icons that you can configure; program entries can launch windows and dos applications from any directory supported by windows; includes a quick shell to dos button, a total free memory display, & an exit button.
CT210A.ZIP [0] Super windows whell, replaces prog mgr, but much more.
CTS220C.ZIP [0] Windows 3.1: ct shell version 2.20c. replacement for program manager and file mgr 6/25/92.
CUSBUT10.ZIP [0] A must utility for ms-windows 3.0. do away with the menues and shells. start any application with a custom button that has the applications name and use any desired optins.
CYCLE.ZIP [0] A small windows 3.0 utility that allows you to cycle through active windows by clicking on the background. very handy! may be hidden.
C_LINE10.ZIP [0] Command line v1.0 program launcher/shell for windows 3.1.
C_LINE32.ZIP [0] Upgrade to the windows 3,1 command line processor and program launcher. now combines cline files into one, faster operation, solves the few nagging problems found in ver 3.1. well done software. j.r.
DCFILE.ZIP [0] New windows(r) file management utility. great graphics and animation - plus - truly easy to use.
DDLNCH10.ZIP [0] Drag drop launcher v1.0: drap and drop app launcher for ms-windows; req vbrun200.dll; robert castle.
DESK24.ZIP [0] Bigdesk v2.40: ms-win 3.1 util creates "virtual" desktop which can hold multiple screens from various apps. also in zip is back-menu: define a pop-up menu on the ms-win 3.1 background. best with mouse (put cursor on desktop -- right button brings up menu) but allows keyboard use as well (alt-f10). quite good.
DESUTL20.ZIP [0] Dragon's eye utilities v2.0: collection of of ms-windows utilities that allows you to execute several applications at the same time clears the windows clipboard and squeezes as much memory from windows as it can so that you can run those memory hungry applications, allows you to close down windows applications that the task manager can't (tsrs), allows you to exit to dos from windows without the program/file manager, etc.; dragon's eye software.
DETOUR.ZIP [0] Windows 3.0 - associate an extension with multiple programs.
DETOUR14.ZIP [0] Detour 1.4 allows any windows (file manager) assocation to point to multiple apps. requires vbrun100.dll and some set-up time. *freeware*.
DH14A.ZIP [0] The desktop helper v1.4a: windows 3.0 desktop utility providing a convenient pop-up menu at the click of a button, pop-up menu available from any window, configurable launch list of frequently executed programs, switch to or terminate a task, even if the task is not currently visible, pop-up file selector browser to choose a file to run, small memory usage; robert e. alleger.
DIRCLIMB.ZIP [0] Macintosh-like file display/execution for windows 3.x. suitable for a program manager replacement shell. shows all files as icons; you change directories by clicking on the directory (to go down or to go up) 3/3/93.
DISKTOOL.ZIP [0] Compliments filemanager (disktool ver 1.50).
DLGDRP10.ZIP [0] Dlgdrop v1.0: allows you to drag any file from ms-windows' file manager & drop it onto a file dialog or into any edit field in almost any dialog; dieter prifling.
DMENU.ZIP [0] D'menu. the ultimate time saver for users of windows 3.x. no more minimizing, maximizing and searching for the app you needed two minutes ago! this fully configurable popup menu is available instantly from within any application!.
DOSHLP11.ZIP [0] Add help menu bar to windowed dos apps running under windows.
DREKTR12.ZIP [0] Director v1.2: ms-windows file manager to copy/delete/rename/move/etc; icon viewer; system information and more; req vbrun100.dll mike j. orr.
DRJPR.ZIP [0] Ms-win 3.0 file manager and executor-freeware.
DROPPER.ZIP [0] Nice program for windows 3.1 which lets you drag programs from file manager onto the desktop so you can run them from the desktop.
DROP_12.ZIP [0] Dropper 1.2 - minimal-resource use freeware windows 3.1 program launcher. next-like icon dock, fully supports drag n' drop, you'll love it!.
DRPDSK.ZIP [0] Drop desk for windows. here's a weird one: with this program running, any program (or associated file name) dropped from file manager to anywhere on the desktop launches it. requires windows 3.1.
DT326A.ZIP [0] Desktop manager v3.26a: menu system & pointand-shoot file manager for ms windows, with configurable screen blanker, windows arrangement functions, directory tree display, file finder, etc.; metz.
DWORKS.ZIP [0] Dataworks v1.29. xbase file manager for windows.
EDIT_RUN.ZIP [0] Edit or run batch files from windows file mgr 4/4/93.
ENGAGE3.ZIP [0] Windows file manager with lots of new features such as bmp viewer, fantastic program launcher, fully configurable. v3.0.
EXECUTOR.ZIP [0] Quickly launch windows apps.
EXIT12.ZIP [0] Jre exit v1.2: ms-windows utility that provides 4 different ways to exit windows; req vbrun200.dll; jre enterprises.
EZFILW30.ZIP [0] File manager for win 3.0/3.1 after the form and function of qfiler for dos.
FBUILD14.ZIP [0] Folder builder for windows (ver 1.4).
FC_20K.ZIP [0] File commander v2.0k: extender for the win 3.1 file manager that adds a menu item to the file manager menu bar - from this single toplevel menu item, file commander allows you to make up to 99 menu items spread up to 5 levels deep; uses winbatch language; docs/help in wilrefxx.zip, where "xx" is the version #; morrie wilson/wilson windowware, inc.
FEDPRO13.ZIP [0] New version 1.3 of windows app launcher for trek fans. now supports sound! hear your programs beam down! req vbrun100.dll 5/14/92.
FEXTEN.ZIP [0] File manager extender for win/nt iconbar.
FEXTND16.ZIP [0] Fextend v1.6: ms-windows 3.1 extension library for file manager, adding trash can, time/date stamp, attributes & properties; mark gamber/babarsoft, inc.
FF170.ZIP [0] File finder and file manager for windows 3.
FILAPP.ZIP [0] Fileapp v1.0: graphical file manager for ms-win 3.0 from the wincli folks.
FILECL30.ZIP [0] Fileclip v3.0: replacement program for the ms-windows file manager, also providing powerful clipboard support; retains a history stack of all clipboard activity and gives the user the ability to do multiple level undo's and pastes across all window's applications; w/a complete windows hypertext help system; ben sprachman.
FILEMN24.ZIP [0] Fileman v2.40: ms-windows file manager for copying, moving, renaming, & deleting files; can change file attributes, rename/delete subdirs, perform file searches, sort file display; includes a text viewer; can copy entire dirs/subdirs w/a single cmd, launch dos/windows apps and can format diskettes; trecil dreiling/tdware.
FILEOPEN.ZIP [0] Filemanager for windows open files.
FILER30.ZIP [0] Ososoft's disk file manager version 3.0 search current (or all) drives for files, search for text, edit associations, move, copy or delete found files, and more! freeware!.
FILEZP10.ZIP [0] File zapper v1.0: ms-windows pgm, working in conjunction w/file manager becomes an icon that files/directories can be dragged to and dropped on and deleted; mouse required; thomas w. kellar.
FILMGR31.ZIP [0] File mgr. v3.1 for windows 3.0.
FIREX101.ZIP [0] Fire exit v1 01: ms-windows pgm that runs as an icon that allows you to exit windows, restart windows, or reboot your pc by doubleclicking on the icon; lee.
FIXGRP10.ZIP [0] Fixgroup v1.00 - a program to fix up windows 3.x group files when you move the group targets directory.
FLCH10.ZIP [0] Free launch v1.0: multiple file launching, terminating & display mode switching replacement for the windows task manager; cognitronix.
FM210.ZIP [0] File manager for windows v2.10 update - good replacement.
FM31A.ZIP [0] This file manager upgrade from microsoft adds a tool bar and provides a graphical way to organize your files and directories. you can use file manager to move and copy files, start applications, print documents, and maintain disks. you can also use file manager to share files and directories on a network, or to connect to network drives.
FMAN.ZIP [0] Ms-windows 3.x file manager replacement that also allows you to remove a dir, specify a search pattern when listing files, move files and includes an ascii file lister that displays bmp, ico and wmf files; req vbrun100.dll paul dubinsky/minimalist software.
FMTOOL10.ZIP [0] This is a set of windows utilities that are integrated into the windows 3.1 file manager. included are a trash can, attrubute changer and a time & date stamp. this program adds an additional menu item to the file managers pull down menus. it's a nice little set of utilities. vanlaningham.
FMV3.ZIP [0] Join the excitement,d/l file magician v3 it's the new age in pc software. light years ahead of any file manager & winzip type program. hundreds of configurable items and buttons, dual font control, task defined buttons & menus, complete palette control, config exchanger, able to zip files from multiple drives and directories at once, optional copy with compression, unique double click task editor, too much more to list. the brute power is just awesome!!! fmv2.0.
FMWINFO.ZIP [0] File manager tips and information.
FREE20.ZIP [0] From the developers of winshell - a free registration - they hope to introduce you to their software.
FRONTW20.ZIP [0] Replaces file manager in win.
FRONTW30.ZIP [0] W31 file manager front end from uk v. 3.0.
FRUN100.ZIP [0] File runner v1.00: ms-windows app that can either be used stand-alone or as a task mgr replacement that keeps a history list of the previously been run, allowing you to double-click on the pgm that you want to rerun; roger l. jack.
FUTIL2.ZIP [0] Futil v2.0 utility program for win 3.1 enables users to launch programs from hotkey commands, from a menu selection located under the system menu or by right clicking on the active title bar or system menu. adds a new selection to each system menu of an application.
FVIEW.ZIP [0] File view for windows - addon for file manager.
GDSDEM.ZIP [0] Partially working model of toolbar for windows filemanager. all but the view and edit buttons are crippled.
GOODY.ZIP [0] Useful windows 3.x program that allows to add a text editor to the file manager. just click on an entry in file manager and a the file is loaded into a user defined word processor.
GPZOOM12.ZIP [0] Grupzoom v1.2: ms-windows program manager navigation util that enables you to structure your pm groups and speed up switching between the them; rakesh kelkar.
GROUPB.ZIP [0] Program that uses win3 program manager dde to create program groups.
GRP30.ZIP [0] Description of the grp files used by windows progman in wri format.
GRPICN20.ZIP [0] Grpicon 2.0 by inner-city software. grpicon, mentioned in windows magazine and featured in brian livingston's new book windows gizmos, lets you assign unique icons, colors and bitmaps to your program manager group windows. makes groups easier to locate and just plain looks great! fully functional shareware, registration fee $20.00 us dollars. try it today!.
GRPICO.ZIP [0] Interesting text file outlining a method for making changes to the boring windows 3.0 program managers group icons.
GRPWRK12.ZIP [0] Groupworker v1.20: multiple program launcher for ms-windows; vbrun100.dll is required; miller software.
HALFSHEL.ZIP [0] Half-shell 1.0 - is a minimal shell replacement for program manager and file manager that allows you to load and exit windows much faster. the executable file is only 12k and reads only one ini file. a configurable "launch list" provides instant access to 26 applications. also included is swap-shell which lets you easily switch between half-shell and another shell. by troy stephens.
HNDBAR20.ZIP [0] Handybar pm v2.0: floating tool bar that provides you w/quick, single-click access to common pagemaker commands; req vbrun200.dll & pagemaker 4.0;.
HOTPOP.ZIP [0] Windows 3.0 hotpop (demo). tma development. start apps or assoc files from hot menu. easy menu setup . hot key or mouse activation. built in command line run option & task list.
HOUSE105.ZIP [0] Super win nav-launch & menu. unlimited menus-200items each, paint fun too! so many features..goback,doagain,timelog,much more! paint cities or zoom thru directories..house is the place to keep your windows! req vbrun100.dll.
HSHL11.ZIP [0] Half-shell v1.1: minimal replacement shell fo ms-windows's program manager; its main design goal is to free up memory for other applications &, above all, make windows load faster; troy n. stephens.
HTSPT1.ZIP [0] Quick way to launch windows programs.
HUT101.ZIP [0] Huntley utilities for windows. 5 utilities, and a menu program, copy any file, edit any file, run any program, print labels, get a dir, change path, delete file, more!.
HV210.ZIP [0] Hviews ver 2.10 shell for windows 3.1 file manager and program manager.
ICNDOS15.ZIP [0] Icondos v1.5: graphical application launcher for dos that is similiar to windows' program manager, complete with icons and wallpaper; 0 ram; multi-page icon menus/sub-menus provide virtually unlimited menu size; built-in clock, calendar, screen saver, over 100 predrawn icons, 20 different wallpapers and a graphical editor for producing custom icons & wallpaper; req vga; efd systems.
ICOBAR16.ZIP [0] Another windows toolbar. this one has a nice 'grabber' to install apps.
IMPRESSN.ZIP [0] Click with right mouse button to dump pictures from windows clipboard.
INCTL14.ZIP [0] In-control v1.40: ms-windows application that gives you selective access to the individual functions of the windows control panel; systems ltd.
IT13A.ZIP [0] It utilities v1.3: ms-windows file manager extensions utilizing drag'n drop to enhance it; includes a trash can that keeps files, viewer for any size file, zip/unzip shell and a loader that loads/unloads them when the file manager is started or exited; enhanced with sound and animation; allegro software [1/2].
IT13B.ZIP [0] It utilities v1.3: ms-windows file manager extensions utilizing drag'n drop to enhance it; includes a trash can that keeps files, viewer for any size file, zip/unzip shell and a loader that loads/unloads them when the file manager is started or exited; enhanced with sound and animation; allegro software [2/2].
JNAL22.ZIP [0] Journal v2.2: electronic file cabinet for windows 3.x. many features.
KBDOCK20.ZIP [0] Kbdock v2.0: application bar replacement for the windows' program manager; multiple nested menus; cached icons; drag-drop; displays descriptive titles for each icon; colors and fonts are configurable; requires win 3.1 and vbrun200.dll; keith burton consulting.
KSWIN20.ZIP [0] The kitchen sink (kswin) v2.0: ms-windows interactive application, allowing you to add up to 10 apps to kswin's main menu, allowing you to run/launch these apps directly from kswin; provides modules for financial and numerical transactions/conversions & includes a calculator; e. scott jones/ software resources intl.
LDV15.ZIP [0] Lookdisk v1.5: dos-character mode pgm that is not command-line driven but uses windows & push buttons for the user interface w/mouse and/or keyboard support; vincenzo iuorno.
LNCHER23.ZIP [0] Launcher v2.3: pgm launcher for ms-windows that lets you run pgms by directly entering their path/filename; you can search for files by using the two listboxes - one displays drive/path info while the other displays the files in the directory; supports wildcards; beacon hill software.
LOADER11.ZIP [0] Loader v1.1: task launcher for ms-windows; steven feinstein.
L_27.ZIP [0] Launch for windows v2.7: offers a configurable menu from which windows users can execute ("launch") programs; requires 10k when running; configurable icons for dos apps; support for running .scr screen savers; david stafford.
L_UTIL12.ZIP [0] Launch utility set v1.2: ms-windows utilities that sets the desktop wallpaper from a bitmap or rle file, cleans the windows desktop, captures an image of the win desktop into the clipboard, automates execution of win recorder macros, & iconizes all windows & arranges the icons; david stafford.